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This Website was created for a graduation project, for the American University In Cairo JRMC 4480 Capstone Course. This Project is about The Egyptian Identity. Our goal in this project is to give the viewer a glimpse of the Egyptian experience. An understanding of what it is like to be Egyptian and how Egyptians view themselves. 


The project was supervised by Professor Kim Fox and Teaching Assistant Heba Fouad. 

Nagat Hussein

A Journalism student who is holding on to the bits and pieces of what her Egyptian truly means. 
By being part of this project I am granted the chance to present to the audience how the Egyptian identity is defined and portrayed through the different stories we encounter. 

Menna Abbas


An AUC student still hoping to make a difference in the Egyptian society. By being part of this project my aim is to give the audience the tools by which they can understand what it truly means to be Egyptian.

Nourhan Saber
A Multimedia Journalism student in The American university in Cairo, with this project i want to show what the Egyptian identity really is and how it is misunderstood especially after the 25th of January 2011 revolution.

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Instagram: egy_identity

twitter: @egyptitanidentity

Snapchat: egyindentity


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Who We Are

A Sample


The Egyptian Identity


This project aims to provide a general definition to being Egyptian.  The content provided aims to make you live the Egyptian experience and understand it. Who are the Egyptians ? 

Let's discover.

The interior design of Muhammad Ali Pasha Mosque.

Photo credit: Nagat Hussein

The view of the Nile River taken from Al-Gamaa Bridge in Cairo, Egypt

Photo credit: Nagat Hussein 

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